Thursday, 30 June 2011

Great recall or ..... maybe not!

Tuesday night and the park was pretty busy but I wanted to give Molly a quick run before her obedience class to stand some chance of keeping her feet on the ground.
We managed the first bit of the walk with her recalling nicely and paying attention when I asked her too.  Then I saw a young chap with a GSD on lead and he seemed to be trying to avoid everyone (in the packed park) so I called Molly back and put her on her lead.  What a good girl I have!!!
Then we got mobbed by a few other small dogs and I let her off to say hello and try to find one to play with - they were all a bit bemused by her speed I think.  Unfortunately brainy Molly then decided that the GSD might be a better bet to play with so off she ran at top speed.  There was no point calling her mid run as no way she would have come so all I could do was wait until she got there and then call her back.
In the meantime a fitness class decided to jog past in a long line.  As far as Molly was concerned when she was coming back it was a straight line, jogging fitness class or not - it was touch and go for a few moments but the class made it past me just before she reached them and most of the joggers had large grins as they were watching her.
After a wander round the wild field on the park I decided we had better go back on the lead to pass the fitness class again - to much excitement is not a good thing!

Sunday, 26 June 2011

I can swim

Today we had a lovely outing to a local country park with a good friend.
It is the first time we have been somewhere so exciting but I am getting more confident in Molly coming back when she is called so decided to let her off lead.  I can honestly say she was fantastic, did not go far away, came back when I called her, said hello nicely to the other dogs we met, then she went round a corner a little ahead of us and I heard a splash.
She had found some ducks in the water and as it was a shallow bit gone in after them, she soon found herself out of her depth and had a brief panic with front legs going frantically.  She is a quick learner though and the lure of the ducks was enough for her to try again before I could get her back and she found she could actually swim quite well after all.  The ducks were not at all bothered and thankfully after what seemed liked an eternity but was only a few minutes she came back.
For some reason after that I decided she had better stay on the lead!!

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Ladies who lunch

I had a voucher to use up for a pizza and pasta type place in town which was due to expire at the end of the month so once it had finally stopped raining we set out for lunch!  This was going to be the first time I had eaten out with Molly - thinking about it I really should have picked somewhere less busy as the place was packed and even though we were outside we had a fair audience. 

Thankfully there was a small wall which blocked her view of the pigeons so apart from a quick bark at some scary leaves which dared to blow towards us Molly behaved perfectly.  The walk through the city centre to get there was rather less perfect with several screamings when she spotted pigeons she wanted to chase.  Thankfully she is small and cute enough that most people are amused when she starts!!

After lunch we went to visit my cousins - they decided that a tired Molly is a pleasant Molly and request that I wear her out an equal amount before any future visits.

Friday, 24 June 2011

A busy week

We are well underway with our obedience classes now and should be moving into the bronze class soon - although "stay" is still very much a work in progress and we need to really work on this as it is our real weak point.  Heelwork was classed as good and only let down by my inability to walk in a straight line - I am sure Molly tutted and rolled her eyes at me when she heard that!!

Just to increase our challenge we also went for a look at an agility class yesterday and I have to say Molly enjoyed being asked to jump over things very much indeed.  The dog walk and A frame she classed as scary things she did not want to go up - apparently the only high things she likes are armchairs and kitchen tables.  So I think it is safe to say we will be giving agility a try too.

Training target for this weekend is to work on the stay in time for our class on Tuesday night - although I do have to say her current stay position curled up on my lap is pretty solid.

Sunday, 19 June 2011


One of the big problems for Molly was sharing when other dogs were around.  Thanks to her days spent with Auntie M whilst I am at work she has been merrily mixing with all sizes and shapes of dogs and this weekend was a huge first for us when we had a dog to stay with us for a couple of days.

A lovely older lady labrador/collieish type called Roxy has been sharing our home since Friday, apart from a very few grumbles here and there Molly has been quite happliy accepting this - which is a huge leap forward for her.  Good girl Moll!!

Saturday, 18 June 2011

New beginnings

After the worst time of my life with far too many losses of all the most important beings in my life, I am attempting to pull things back and part of my new beginnings is Molly dog.

She has now been in my life for 2 months and is a 17 month old American Cocker Spaniel / Poodle cross.

It is a new beginning for her too as her previous family were looking for a home for her due to disagreements between her and the other younger dog in the family.

She came to me at probably the most difficult time in my life and I think it is fairly safe to say we have both pretty much muddled through the last two months as we get to know each other and adapt to our new lives.  She has also had a new name to get used to and a whole new load of rules, although on the positive side for her she also gets lots of exercise now and is starting training which she is enjoying so far.  Problems she came with include separation anxiety - a huge problem since I work - but thankfully for now resolved by a very kind friend looking after her during the day for me, resource guarding - mostly from other dogs rather than humans, but she will guard anything including leads and me!! - with much help from my friend and her dogs Molly is learning this is not necessary and things are getting easier, and her final issue - chasing - especially birds, if she is on the lead and can't chase she will scream, loudly - we are gradually making progress although still got a long way to go on this one.

Things she has learned so far include, sit, down, to sit before she can come out of the car, a hand touch and the start of heelwork - which she loves!!