Saturday, 20 April 2013

It just kept growing!!

20th October 2012

29th October 2012

4th Novmber 2012

11th November 2012

17th November 2012

24th November 2012

2nd December 2012

9th December 2012

15th December 2012

23rd December 2012

1st January 2013

5th January 2013

10th February 2013

3rd March 2013

10th March 2013

20th April 2013  

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

The sea!!

The girls and I joined some friends for what is definitely Chances first experience of the sea and almost certainly Mollys too.

Chance as expected loved the opportunity to run round, chase toys and get wet.  Molly was not at all convinced by the waves but he enjoyed digging, rock climbing and generally exploring.

 Molly rocking climbing
 Chance and Grace disputing ownership of the ball
 The four game players
The biscuit queue - from front left going round, Grace, Molly, Leo, Poppy and Chance 
 Some spoilt dogs got cold and needed cuddles then their jumper on!!
 Three amigos
 Having a drink in the freshwater pool after the beach