Thursday, 19 November 2015


How often do you hear someone say they know the dog knows it did wrong - they can clearly see it.  So look at the photos - which dog do you reckon shredded the duvet?

Chance - Was it me?

Molly - Or maybe me?

Made your decision?

The answer is neither dog did, the duvet was already shredded when they went into the room.  Nobody was telling anyone off - but Chance is a sensitive girl and did not want to even go close to the mess.  Molly on the other hand is a free spirit and quite happy to sit in the middle of it all - I am sure she would have been equally unconcerned if she had done it to be honest.

So - do I believe dogs know they have done "wrong"?  No I don't - I do however believe they can associate our behaviour with certain situations and react accordingly.

..... and Chance and Molly - after the photo got a biscuit for their modelling skills. 

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Clear Round

Chance and I have been working hard at our agility and finally took the plunge to enter something.  This is our second competition - a small friendly show BitsNBobz and we managed a clear round in the steeplechase.

Not perfect on my part but so proud of my girl 

Monday, 29 June 2015


We have been learning to play flyball, particularly learning how to turn on the box.  This is our first full run without netting

Monday, 4 May 2015


Shortly after getting rid of the cone Molly started to get really grumpy especially with other dogs - especially Chance :(

A blood test suggested this was pancreatitis flaring up so I tried to modify diet to make it even more low fat but she was still very grumpy and not her normal self at all.

More blood tests revealed SIBO and very low B12 so she had a month of antiobiotics and lots of B12 injections.  Thankfully this worked pretty quickly and I soon had my happy girl back :)

Monday, 2 February 2015

Cone of Shame

For some reason after a walk Molly started to lick her leg obsessively and as ever with Molly it became a problem.

The following day she had managed to make it really sore looking and would not leave it alone so we ended up at the pet shop as soon as it opened to buy a cone.  Several frustrating weeks where I tried a variety of shirts and more comfy cones to protect her leg and she defeated everything but the proper cone so ended up wearing it constantly for a while!

Her pancreatitis ruled out using steroids or metacam but thankfully eventually things resolved and she could be trusted without the cone.